Baobab Trees (Adansonia kilima) in a dry Soutpansberg valley |
Colours at sunset |
Cassia abreviata |
Combretum mossambicense |
Albizia anthelmintica in bloom |
New red leaves of Ficus ingens |
A good days hunting - seven snares picked up in thick bush. |
The Dassie, also known as Rock Hyrax (Procavia capensis), a heavily targeted animal for bush meat. |
Soutpansberg Wormlizard (Chirindia langi subsp. occidentalis) |
Tilapia one of the native fish species that occurs on the property |
Soutpansberg Flat Lizard (Platysaurus relictus), a Soutpansberg endemic, abundant on the property |
Natal Spurfowl; Crested Francolin; Crested Guinea fowl; African Black Duck; Golden-tailed Woodpecker; Cardinal Woodpecker; Bearded Woodpecker; Black-collared Barbet; Yellow-fronted Tinkerbird; Acacia Pied Barbet; Southern Yellow-billed Hornbill; African Grey Hornbill; African Hoopoe; Green Wood-hoopoe; Malachite Kingfisher; Brown-hooded Kingfisher; Giant Kingfisher; Pied Kingfisher; Little Bee-eater; European Bee-eater; Narina Trogon; Red-faced Mousebird; Speckled Mousebird; Red-chested Cuckoo; Klaas's Cuckoo; Burchell's Coucal; Alpine Swift; African Black Swift; Little Swift; Purple-crested Turaco; Barn Owl; Spotted Eagle Owl; Fiery-necked Nightjar; Freckled Nightjar; Speckled Pigeon; Laughing Dove; Red-eyed Dove; Emerald-spotted Wood-dove; Tambourine Dove; Three-banded Plover; African Fish Eagle; Cape Vulture; African Goshawk; Verreaux's Eagle; African Hawk Eagle; Green-backed Heron; Hammerkop; Hadeda Ibis; Black Stork; Black-headed Oriole; African Paradise Flycatcher; Fork-tailed Drongo; Brown-crowned Tchagra; Black-back Puffback; Southern Boubou; Orange-breasted Bushshrike; Gorgeous Bushshrike; Grey-headed Bushshrike; Retz's Helmet-shrike; Cape Batis; Chinspot Batis; Pied Crow; Black Cuckooshrike; Southern Black Tit; Lesser-striped Swallow; Rock Martin; Dark-capped Bulbul; Terrestrial Brownbul; Sombre Greenbul; Yellow-bellied Greenbul; Long-billed Crombec; Cape White-eye; Rattling Cisticola; Tawny-flanked Prinia; Bar-throated Apalis; Yellow-throated Apalis; Grey-backed Cameroptera; Kurrichane Thrush; Ashy Flycatcher; White-throated Robin-chat; Red-capped Robin-chat; White-browed Robin-chat; Bearded Scrub-robin; White-browed Scrub-robin; Familiar Chat; Mocking Cliff-chat; Red-winged Starling; Red-billed Oxpecker; Amethyst Sunbird; Collared Sunbird; White-bellied Sunbird; Red-headed Weaver; Lesser-masked Weaver; Spectacled Weaver; Swee Waxbill; Blue Waxbill; Jameson's Firefinch; Bronze Mannikin; SouthernGrey-headed Sparrow; African Pied Wagtail; Cape Wagtail; Yellow-fronted Canary; Golden-breasted Bunting.
Swee Waxbill (Coccopygia melanotis subsp. melanotis) |
Rock Hyrax; Sharpe's Grysbok; Klipspringer; Kudu; Bush Buck; African Civet; Cape Clawless Otter; Slender Mongoose; Dwarf Mongoose; Water Mongoose; Large-spotted Genet; Leopard; Baboon; Vervet Monkey; Thick-tailed Bushbaby; Tree Squirrel; Porcupine; Jameson's Red Rock Rabbit; Spiny Mouse; Pouched Mouse; Senghi.
(Note on list - list was compiled using visual observations of the animal itself or track and sign. Many animals (rodents and bats) were left out due to unsatisfactory identification.)
Saccostomus campestris, Pouched Mouse. |
Agama atra - Peter's Ground Agama
Chirindia langi occidentalis - Soutpansberg Worm Lizard
Aparallactus capensis - Cape Centipede Eater
Philothamnus semivariegatus - Spotted Bush Snake
Psammophis subtaeniatus - Western Yellow-bellied Sand Snake
Platysaurus relictus - Soutpansberg Flat Lizard
Smaug warreni depressus - Flat Dragon Lizard
Dendroaspis polylepis - Black Mamba
Homopholis wahlbergii - Wahlberg's Velvet Gecko
Afroedura - Flat Gecko (Taxonomy unresolved)
Chondrodactylus turneri - Turner's Gecko
Chondrodactylus turneri - Turner's Gecko
Hemidactylus mabouia - Common Tropical House Gecko
Lygodactylus capensis - Common Dwarf Gecko
Broadleysaurus major - Rough-scaled Plated Lizard
Gerrhosaurus flavigularis - Yellow-throated Plated Lizard
Matobosaurus validus - Giant Plated Lizard
Afroablepharus maculicollis - Spotted-neck Snake-eyed Skink
Scelotes limpopoensis limpopoensis - Limpopo Dwarf Burrowing Skink
Trachylepis varia - Variable Skink
Trachylepis margaritifer - Rainbow Skink
Varanus nilotica - Nile Monitor
Pelusios sinuatus - Serrated Hinged Terrapin
Nile Monitor (Varanus niloticus), a massive reptile. |